Longspine Cardinal
Longspine cardinal has a shiny blue color around its eyes. They live in colonies between branches of corals. During breeding season, a male and female makes a pair and lives away from the group, so it’s easy to tell. The female lays numerous eggs at once, and the male takes them in his mouth and incubates them until they hatch. They are relatively shinier and have beautiful bright colors like a neon sign.
- Creatures of this water tank
- Weedy Scorpion Fish
- Spotted Garden Eel
- Splendid Garden Eel
- Sickle Seagrass
- Shrimpfish
- Semicircle Angelfish
- Sea Pen
- Sea Fun (Menella michaelseni)
- Reef Stonefish
- Pyramid Butterfly Fish
- Pink Anemone Fish
- Palette Surgeonfish
- Painted Cardinal Fish
- Leather Anemone
- Horned Sea Star
- Giant Sea Anemone
- Fluted Giant Clam
- Finger Leather
- Clown Wrasse
- Clown Triggerfish
- Clown Anemone Fish
- Chinese Sea Snake
- Bridled Anemone Fish
- Blue Sea Star
- Blue Damsel
- Black-spotted Porcupine Fish
- Birdnest Coral
- Big-eyed Soldierfish
- Antler Coral